The QDQD GardenGarden

Growing at the speed of friendship 🌱

The QDQD GardenGarden

Growing at the speed of friendship 🌱

A queer-led community teaching garden

The QD Garden was a dream born out of Me Time’s flagship horizontally-organized program called ‘Queering DIY’.  

It was lovingly planned and built by hand, with donated labor and supplies from over a dozen nonbinary community members— all with the shared dream of creating an alternate food source for our ourselves & our neighbors and having an accessible greenspace that was created by and for our local community to connect with each other, the food we eat, and land we live on.

The QD Garden is 100% nonbinary-owned and queer-led community teaching garden for learning about permaculture & practice food sovereignty.

Open Hours & Donation Dropoffs

Though the QD Garden is open to for the community to visit, it lives within a private residence. Hence, there is very limited volunteer staffing, until we can secure more funding allowing us to expand open hours.


Garden Days

Sundays 11am – 3pm

Dropoff soil, mulch & compost donations

Tuesdays 6pm – 8pm

Wednesdays 6pm – 8pm

Sundays 11am – 3pm


TO VISIT, please TEXT 210-900-2471 ahead of time for directions & to let us know you’re coming through! (:

Join us in the garden (:

Become a garden steward & make new friends with your neighbors— plants & humans alike!

Want to host an event in the QD Garden?

Me Time offers community programming that serves the queer, TGNC, and neurodivergent communities in San Antonio’s Westside.

The QD Garden in Me Time’s backyard is perfect for quiet, curiosity-centered, low-pressure, low-stimulation, judgment-free events that encourage connecting with oneself, with the community, and with the land we live on. Guests will have full access to a covered patio and bathroom facilities. 

Reach out below to host your next garden class, teach-in, or outdoor gathering in The QD Garden at Me Time! 

🪴 Special thanksthanks to our sponsorssponsors 🪴

🌱 Ourspace | O‘ahu, HI  🌱  Town Neon | Oakland, CA  🌱

🌱 Geoff C  🌱  Jaclyn G  🌱

BecomeBecome a SponsorSponsor

We all know the first Pride started with a brick — so we’re carrying on the tradition of queers-being-queers-wielding-bricks-for-liberation; only this time we won’t be throwing bricks, we’ll be using them to build a new stone bench in our queer-owned and TGNC-led community teaching garden. The “QD Garden” was a dream born out of a horizontally-organized program called ‘Queering DIY’, where a group of a dozen or so enbies got together with the dream of co-creating a community teaching garden and Thirdspace.  This garden, and Operation: StoneBench, is headquartered at west side San Antonio’s premiere queer-owned space for “M.E. T.I.M.E.” (Mindful embodiment through inspired mutual exchange). Our dream is for this garden to be a queer safe haven for TGNC + allies, that makes food sovereignty and green space accessible to our community in San Antonio. In recognizing that everyone has their own role to play in as we work towards collective liberation, this Garden is our offering to the collective, as we practice:

  1. Permaculture & Food Soverignty, as we learn to navigate today’s changing economic + ecologic climates

  2. Horizontally-organized community programming, as we work together & see ourselves as a part of “it all”

  3. Normalizing accessible green spaces for introverts & neurospicy community members who are recharged by more quiet, interactive, curiousity-based convenings centered around connectivity, rather than by loud marketplaces or club environments centered around consuming

  4. Normalizing spacemaking that feels more inclusive for the TGNC & intersectional community 

Together, we are co-creating acessible green space where we can tap into the medicine of nature, while strengthening relationship with the land and food we eat, as we learn together to practice food sovereignty.

Most of the QD Garden’s supplies (shovels, rakes, wood for planter boxes, pots, mulch, seedlings, etc) have already been generously donated by community members. With them, along with much love, we’ve already built the garden beds, and now its time for the fun part: being IN the garden we’ve built! With global warming making central Texas’ summer heat more unbearable, we are finding we need a place to sit in the shade, and that it would be great to have a place to store all of these generously donated garden supplies. 

For just a few dollars, you can become a part of the literal foundation this community garden, which will last for years to come! <3

Checkout our fundraising goals & options for one-time or ongoing sponsorship at:

We all need to eat

Silent Meditation

✔︎ bring or wear bug spray, and something to sit on, since this will be an outdoor event

✔︎ this is NOT a guided meditation session… We are holding space to sit in silence ✨together✨ because just as with Qi Gong, practicing in a group can amplifies the energy. So, please bring your own intentions/Sankalpa/affirmations to meditate on. 

✔︎ we start at 6:30 sharp, so arrive early to get settled in

Your facilitator will be The House of Good Qi’s in-house Sanadora, Xylia Larissa (: 


Dreamworkers: A Lucid Wave

In this intimate dream circle space we will be discussing dreams, proper sleep, and how to access lucid dreaming.

Your hosts will be Iz and Vic of Dreamworkers. Learn more about their work here.

Amir Aziz

Amir Aziz, an Oakland-based Photojournalist and Documentary Filmmaker, who leads visual journalism at Oaklandside, and is a 2022 local fellow with CatchLight. His editorial work has appeared in The New York Times, San Francisco Chronicle, and other publications. He runs a small production company called ONUS Media, creating documentaries and collaborating with local organizations.

Daniel Ikejimba

A first-generation Nigerian-American from Chicago with a Bachelor’s degree in Psychology from The University of Texas and a Master’s in Clinical Mental Health Counseling from Hawaii Pacific University. They blend Choice Theory, Positive Psychology, and CBT for a holistic approach to healing and have researched learning and memory development in children, across-cultures and on the impact of hate on social relationships.

Sasha Kelley

Sasha Kelley is an Oakland based multidisciplinary artist using photography, place making, and social practice to explore the topics of collective archives, divine archetypes, collaboration with black/brown/queer communities. This year, Sasha has participated in Black Space Residency, produced a solo show at Swim Gallery and released Keek Magazine

Have an event to add to the community calendar?

Have an event to add to the community calendar?